Imagine giving your online community the ability to access their pages via their cellphones. With Mobile BridgeWorks, communities can update their pages, read and post new posts, enter and read blogs. The platform can easily be integrated into any web-based community as a powerful value-added service that not only improves user satisfaction but also gives the community operators the ability to reach and engage the users when they are not online. The platform can also be used to send alerts to the community as well as monetize by providing premium mobile content to the users.
This application is available in sms format and wap access. The service can also be customized to meet any community's unique needs.
Most of the world’s mobile handsets have not been upgraded to 3G, so SMS becomes the ideal technology to use to reach the majority of mobile users, who have no way to communicate except for their cell phones. The global reach and the simple interactivity of the service make it compelling both to users and to carriers who will benefit from the increase in SMS traffic. Currently our application is web based so it is easy to upgrade, customize and integrate in the carrier’s website. The solution we currently offer can be modified to add specific carrier’s needs.
Community Benefits
Increase User Satisfaction.
Increase User access to information on the community
Drive volume to community website by alerting users of new updates.
Larger portfolio of services provided to customers
Easy to integrate in community ’s website and mobile network.
Differentiation from competitors
Option to modify the current service to customize it and localize it to meet the community’s needs
Customer Benefits
Platform agnostic. Ability access community information from any Mobile device. No downloads required, no WAP requirements (for SMS API), carrier neutral.