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Mobile BridgeWorks:  connecting the mobile world

Mobile BridgeWorks Platform provides industry standard mobile solutions that the meet the changing needs of mobile markets. Our research and engineering teams have developed a large number of solutions that address the main markets with advancing mobile applications ranging from Music, Online communities, web services to MVNOs. Our exclusive commitment to the mobile space and service quality makes us the best choice when it comes to developing consumer mobile services.
Our expertise in developing mobile applications using all technologies available: SMS, MMS, WAP, etc allows us to easily upgrade, scale or migrate services according to necessities.

buttonMVNO/Carrier Solutions

asAs a leading wireless application service provide (WASP), we strive to create innovative and compelling APIs that enrich the user experience and increase revenue potential.

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buttonSocial Networks/Community Solutions

asEngage your community by adding mobile IM. Provide value added services that allow your members to interact with the network from their mobile devices.

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buttonEntertainment Solutions

asGet Personal and reach Fans. Actors, Artists and Athletes greatly benefit from this suite of APIs that engage fans with their personal ringtones, alerts, etc via a simple interfaces.

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buttonAdvertisers/Marketing Solutions

asEngage your target audience with new innovative promotions. This suite provides an interface empowering advertisers to create their own mobile campaign. As well advertising* on our 411sms Listings.

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